This book begins with a broader discussion of cybercrime and attacks targeting ATMs and then focuses on a specific type of cybercrime named “ATM Hacking.” It discusses ATM Hacking from a more full scope of aspects, including technology, modus operandi, law enforcement, socio-economic and geopolitical context, and theory development. After unpacking a classic case of ATM Hacking and its modus operandi, implications for cybersecurity and prevention, intra- and inter-agency collaboration, and theory development are presented.
This book also
demonstrates the analysis of extensive qualitative data collected from a
high-profile case in which European criminal group hacked into a London
voice mail server belonging to a Taiwanese financial institution –
First Commercial Bank,. Then it programmed dozens of ATMs to “spit out”
millions of dollars of cash. The successful crackdown on this type of
crime is rare, if not unique, while the number of similar crimes has
increased enormously in recent years and the trend seem to continue
unabatingly. Further, the implications go beyond a country or a
continent. Intra- and inter-agency collaboration among players of law
enforcement is essential to the case especially in the police context of
“turf jealousies.”
The authors seek to document the ways in which
agencies collaborate, as well as the perceived benefits and challenges
of cooperation. Whether the broader political and contextual climates in
which these agencies operate, limit the extent to which they can
This book is useful as a reference for researchers and professionals working in the area of cybercrime and cybersecurity. University professors can also use this book as a case study for senior seminars or graduate courses.